Al Uthman Mechanical Trading and Contracting Co WLL
Country : Qatar
Sector : Industrials - Capital Goods
Industry : Industrial Machinery & Equipment
Sub-Industry :

Al Uthman Mechanical Trading and Contracting Co WLL Profile

Last Review Date 27-Apr-2021

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Al Uthman Mechanical Trading and Contracting Co WLL Known as Al Uthman Mechanical is a private Co. operats within the Heavy Industrial Machinery & Electrical Parts Sector .Al Uthman Mechanical established...
  • Industry Group :
    Industrial Machinery & Equipment
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
    30 Employees as of 2019
Al Uthman Mechanical Trading and Contracting Co WLL
1st Floor, Office C102, Sayer Building, Block 2, Doha East Industrial Area, Po Box 3604, Al Rayyan, Doha, Qatar
+974 4 0052600
+974 4 4351377


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