Chain Link Industries of Qatar for Trading LLC
Country : Qatar
Sector : Materials - Non-Chemicals
Industry : Metal, Forest & Paper Products
Sub-Industry :

Chain Link Industries of Qatar for Trading LLC Profile

Last Review Date 15-Apr-2021

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Chain Link Industries of Qatar for Trading LLC known as Chain Link Qatar is a Private Company operating within the Metal & Plastic Products Sector. Chain Link Qatar established in 2007 and based in Doha,...
  • Industry Group :
    Metal, Forest & Paper Products
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
    175 Employees as of 2020
Chain Link Industries of Qatar for Trading LLC
Building No. 71, Street No. 3027, Zone No. 91, Al Wukair Road, Birkat Al Awamer, Po Box 40125, Doha, Qatar
+974 4 0059922
+974 4 4510417


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