Shahi Foods and Spices LLC
Country : Oman
Sector : Food,Tobacco & Beverages
Industry : Food,Tobacco & Beverages
Sub-Industry :

Shahi Foods and Spices LLC Profile

Last Review Date 23-Feb-2021

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Shahi Foods and Spices LLC (Known as Shahi) is a private Co. operats within the Agricultural & Packaged Foods Products Sector. focusing on Distribution of Foods and Spices. based in Based in Muscat, Oman...
  • Industry Group :
    Food,Tobacco & Beverages
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
    400 Employees as of 2020
Shahi Foods and Spices LLC
PO Box 366, Al Suwaiq 315, Behind Shell Gas Station, Sultanate of Oman
+968 2 6860402
+968 2 6860681


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