Thates Salasil Free Dufry Co. WLL
Country : Kuwait
Sector : Retail Services
Industry : Distributors and wholesalers
Sub-Industry :

Thates Salasil Free Dufry Co. WLL Profile

Last Review Date 11-Mar-2024

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Thates Salasil Free Dufry Co. WLL Known as That Al Salasil World Duty Free is a Private Company Operating within the Distributors & Merchandise Stores Sector. That Al Salasil World Duty Free was Established...
  • Industry Group :
    Distributors and wholesalers
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
  • Paid Capital :
    0.100 M
Thates Salasil Free Dufry Co. WLL
Office No. 1, Floor No. 1, Building No. 13, Block 13, P.O Box 12041, Shamiya 71651, Kuwait
+965 2 2466266
+965 2 2438304


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