Vijay Arabia Fire and Security Systems WLL
Country : Qatar
Sector : Industrials - Transportation & Services
Industry : Commercial & Professional Services
Sub-Industry :

Vijay Arabia Fire and Security Systems WLL Profile

Last Review Date 15-Feb-2023

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Vijay Arabia Fire and Security Systems WLL known as VASS , is a private Co. operats within the Commercial Services Sector . VASS Based in Doha ,Qatar
  • Industry Group :
    Commercial & Professional Services
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
Vijay Arabia Fire and Security Systems WLL
Building Number 59, Street 610- Ahmed Bin Hanbal Street, Zone -45, Matar Qadeem, (Near – D Ring Road, Behind LuLu Hyper Market) Doha, Qatar.
+974 4 0192900
+974 4 0192929


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