Specialized Environmental Services
Country : Kuwait
Sector : Industrials - Transportation & Services
Industry : Commercial & Professional Services
Sub-Industry :

Specialized Environmental Services Profile

Last Review Date 16-Jul-2020

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Specialized Environmental Services Known as SES is a private company operating within the Commercial and Professional Services sector focusing on Environmental and Facilities Services. SES is based in...
  • Industry Group :
    Commercial & Professional Services
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
  • Paid Capital :
    0.250 M
  • Authorized Capital :
Specialized Environmental Services
Qiblah s 5 building 10 second floor , PO Box 4323, Safat 13104 Kuwait
+965 2 2417367
+965 2 2409358


Data Not Available
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