Title | City |
InfoPro SAL | Beirut |
Aptec Lebanon SAL | Baabda |
Masafat International SAL (Off-Shore) | Beirut |
Technomania SARL | Beirut |
Orkila International Sal (Off-Shore) | Beirut |
Takla Trading SAL | Beirut |
Medilic Sarl | Beirut |
XOL Automation SAL (OFF-SHORE) | Baabda |
Eastern Scientific Co | Beirut |
The United Lebanese Plastic Industry Sal | Baabda |
Saccal Holding S.A.L | Beirut |
Saccal Industries S.A.L | Beirut |
M. Ezzat Jallad and Fils SAL | Beirut |
Ibex Air Charter | Beirut |
Sigma Middle East SAL | Beirut |
Emile Moucarry et co | Beirut |
SADCO SAL | Beirut |
Societe Nahas Pour l'industrie et le Commerce | Beirut |
Edghurst SAL (Off-Shore) | Beirut |
Automation and Controls SARL | Mount Lebanon |