CBE auctions T-bills worth EGP 39.5bn on Thursday

Cairo – Mubasher: The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) offered treasury bills (T-bills) at a total value of EGP 39.50 billion through two tranches on Thursday, 18 May.

The first issue was valued at EGP 16.50 billion and will mature in 182 days on 21 November 2023, according to official data.

Meanwhile, the second offering stood at EGP 23 billion, carrying a tenor of 364 days until 21 May 2024.

A week ago, the central bank auctioned T-bills at a combined value of EGP 39.50 billion through two issues.

The HC Securities & Investment recently projected that the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the CBE will raise policy rates by 100 basis points (bps) in Thursday’s meeting.

Mubasher Contribution Time: 18-May-2023 06:07 (GMT)
Mubasher Last Update Time: 18-May-2023 06:07 (GMT)