Egypt auctions EGP 3bn debt instruments on Monday

Cairo – Mubasher: The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has offered two-type treasury bonds (T-bonds) at a total value of EGP 3 billion on Monday, 11 December 2023.

The financial authority issued fixed-coupon T-bonds worth EGP 2.50 billion that will mature in three years on 12 December 2026, according to official data.

The CBE also auctioned floating-rate T-bonds which stood at EGP 500 million in value and hold a tenor of three years until 3 September 2026. The coupon frequency is on a quarterly basis at a 25.25% rate at issuance.

It is worth noting that the regulator offered debt instruments in the form of treasury bills (T-bills) at a total value of EGP 47.50 billion on 10 December.

Mubasher Contribution Time: 11-Dec-2023 10:14 (GMT)
Mubasher Last Update Time: 11-Dec-2023 10:14 (GMT)