Egypt buys 1.8m tonnes of wheat from local farmers

Cairo – Mubasher: Egyptian farmers have supplied around 1.80 million tonnes of wheat to the government since the start of the harvest season on 13 April 2024, said Ahmed Kamal, Assistant Minister of Supply and Internal Trade for Projects and Media.

The government is paying farmers’ dues within a maximum of 48 hours, to incentivise them to supply, Kamal noted, according to a cabinet statement.

For the 2024 season, the 150-kilogram ardeb is priced at a range between EGP 1,900 and EGP 2,000.

It is worth noting that the Egyptian government increased the supply price of local wheat to EGP 1,600 per 150-kilogram ardeb in November 2023 from EGP 1,500 in the previous season.

The government bought 3.40 million tonnes of wheat from local farmers in the 2023-2024 harvest season.

Mubasher Contribution Time: 07-May-2024 10:19 (GMT)
Mubasher Last Update Time: 16-Jul-2024 08:40 (GMT)