Egypt’s annual headline inflation hits 36.4% in November – CAPMAS

Cairo – Mubasher: The consumer price index (CPI) of Egypt reached 191.8 points in November 2023, according to the latest data by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).

Accordingly, the annual headline inflation of Egypt recorded 36.4% in November this year when compared to 38.5% in October.

The agency attributed the decline in November 2023 inflation to a decrease in the prices of several baskets, including vegetables by 4.7%, fruits by 3.5%, and transportation services by 2.3%.

Furthermore, the prices of meat and poultry fell by 1.5% in November, while hotel services went down by 0.3%.

Meanwhile, the monthly headline inflation reached 0.9% in November, compared with 1.2% in October 2023.

CAPMAS recently published Egypt’s trade balance value which indicated a deficit of $3.14 billion in September 2023.

Meanwhile, the country’s net international reserves hit $35.17 billion at the end of November this year.

Mubasher Contribution Time: 11-Dec-2023 16:29 (GMT)
Mubasher Last Update Time: 11-Dec-2023 16:29 (GMT)