People based in Bahrain

Name Biography
Mr Khaled Al Saeed Mr Khaled Al Saeed is Board Member at T'azur Co BSC
Mr Hadi N. Kabalan Mr Hadi N. Kabalan is Board Member at T'azur Co BSC
Mr Ziad El Chaar Mr. Ziad El Chaar is a Board Member at T'azur Co BSC & He is also a Chairman of BFC Payments.
Ms Kubra Ali Merza Ali Ms Kubra Ali Merza Ali is Board Member at T'azur Co BSC
Mr Michel Zaher Mr Michel Zaher is Operations Manager at Fine Foods Catering W.L.L
Mr Mohamed Shabab Mr Mohamed Shabab is Quality/Haccp Manager at Fine Foods Catering W.L.L
Mr Mohamed Arif Mr Mohamed Arif is Head Of Operations at Fine Foods Catering W.L.L
Mr Mohamad Farook Mr Mohamad Farook is General Manager at Fine Foods Catering W.L.L
Mr Mohammed Asif Mr Mohammed Asif is Business Development Manager at Micro Promo SPC
Mr Mohamed Abdul Hadi Mr Mohamed Abdul Hadi is Technical Manager at General Poultry Co.
Ms Jalila Saeed Al Derazi Ms Jalila Saeed Al Derazi is Human Resources and Administration Manager at General Poultry Co.
Mr Ahmad Baqer Mr Ahmad Baqer is Board Member at General Poultry Co.
Mr Yousif Shakeri Mr Yousif Shakeri is a Vice Chairman at Bahrain Aviation Fueling Co.
Mr Mohammed Bin Al Khalifa Mr Mohammed Bin Al Khalifa is a Board Member at Bahrain Aviation Fueling Co.
Mr Adel Khalil Almoayed Mr Adel Khalil Almoayed is a Board Member at Bahrain Aviation Fueling Co.
Mr Isa Abbas Isa Al Sebaa Mr Isa Abbas Isa Alsabea is the representative of Bahrain Telecommunications BSC at Etihad Atheeb Telecom as Board Member, He is also a board Member at Beyon Money.
Mr Shafqat Anwar Mr Shafqat Anwar was Deputy Group CEO - Operations and Technology at Ahli United Bank.
Mr Saljith C Mundachalil Mr Saljith C Mundachalil is General Manager of IAS International
Mr Ibrahim Abdulla Sheikh Mr Ibrahim Abdulla Sheikh is Chairman and Owner of IAS International
Mr Hussain Jaafar Mr Hussain Jaafar is Human Resources and Administration Officer Manager at Filoosy E Promotion SPC