People based in India

Name Biography
Mr Manan Goel Mr. Manan Goel is Joint Managing Director at Gulf Petrochem FZC. He heads the Refinery and Marketing division of the company.
Mr Sudhir Goyel Mr. Sudhir Goyel is Chairman and Owner of Gulf Petrochem FZC
Mr Ashok Goel Mr. Ashok Goel is Chairman and Owner of Gulf Petrochem FZC since 1998.
Mr Arif I. Sachidina Mr Arif Sachidina is Founder and Managing Director of Wahaa Manpowers Supplier.
Mr Arundhati Bhattacharya Mr Arundhati Bhattacharya is
Mr Davood Kiani Mr Davood Kiani is a Chief Internal Security Officer at Sina Financial and Investment Holding Co.
Mr Santosh K. Nema Mr Santosh K. Nema is Chief Executive Officer at RAK Ceramics Pvt Ltd - India
Mr Ajay Singh Mr Ajay Singh is a Member Board at Container Rail Road Services Private Ltd and Marketing Manager at Safe Line Group of Companies
Mr Manish Joshi Mr Manish Joshi is Representative UTI AMC at UTI Rainbow Fund Class A - India Diversified Equity Fund as Portfolio Manager.
Mr Sanjay Dongre Mr Sanjay Dongre is Representative UTI AMC at UTI Rainbow Fund Class A - India Diversified Equity Fund as Portfolio Manager.
Mr Amandeep Singh Chopra Mr Amandeep Singh Chopra is Representative UTI AMC at UTI Rainbow Fund Class A - India Diversified Equity Fund as Portfolio Manager.
Mr Anoop Bhaskar Mr Anoop Bhaskar is Representative at UTI Rainbow Fund Class A - India Diversified Equity Fund as Portfolio Manager.
Mr Pradipta Chakrabortty Mr. Pradipta Chakrabortty is the Fund Manager at Frontier Emerging Markets Equity Fund
Mr Purav Jhaveri Mr. Purav Jhaveri is the Fund Manager at Franklin MENA Fund N acc - USD
Mr Kawal Kumar Uberoi Mr Kawal Kumar Uberoi owns 1.516% in Mezzan Holding Co since April 2015.
Mr Sudheer Kumar Uberoi Mr Sudheer Kumar Uberoi owns 2.491% in Mezzan Holding Co since April 2015.
Mr Dhiraj Kumar Uberoi Mr Dhiraj Kumar Uberoi owns 2.491% in Mezzan Holding Co since April 2015.
Mr Shoby P. Jacob Mr Shoby P. Jacob is Manager of Business Development at YSC Engineering Services Pvt Ltd
Mr Mushtaq N Momin Mr Mushtaq Momin is Marketing Manager of Egyplus Energy Pvt Ltd - India.
Mr Mahmood Bangara Abdul Rahiman Mr Mahmood Bangara Abdul Rahiman is Chairman of IPIX BPO Pvt Ltd.