People based in Iraq

Name Biography
Mr Aysar Jabar Aflouk Mr Aysar Jabar Aflouk is a Manager of Media Office at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Hussain Faisal Resheg Mr Hussain Faisal Resheg is a Manager of Total Quality Management at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Ammar Hammed Khalaf Mr Ammar Khalaf is a Manager of Financial and monetary stability at Central Bank of Iraq
Ms Khadija Mahmoud Mohamed Ms Khadija Mahmoud Mohamed is a Manager of Risk Management at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Abed Saleh Mohammed Mr Abed Saleh Mohammed is Acting General Director of Erbil Branch at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Basim Abdul Hadi Hassan Mr Basim Abdul Hadi Hassan is Acting General Director of Banking Studies Center at Central Bank of Iraq
Ms Alaa Ghazi Abdullah Ms Alaa Ghazi Abdullah is Acting General Director of Finanical Operations and Debt Admin at Central Bank of Iraq
Ms Sahar Majed Hamed Ms Sahar Majed Hamed is Acting General Director of Research and Statistics at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Husayn Lazim Mzban Mr Husayn Lazim Mzban is Acting General Director of Mosul Branch at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Qasim Rhaif Mrebit Mr Qasim Rhaif Mrebit is a General Director of Basra Branchat Central Bank of Iraq
Ms Duha Mohamad Ms Duha Mohamad is a General Director of Payment at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Nazar Nasir Hussein Mr Nazar Nasir Hussein is a General Director of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Adnan Asaad Abd Mr Adnan Asad Abd is a General Director of Information Technology and Communications at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef Mr Mustafa Ghalib Mukheef is a General Director of Legal at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Hanan Talib Issa Ms Hanan Talib Issa is a General Director of Internal Audit at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Abdul Kareem Hassan Shannoon Mr Abdul Kareem Hassan Shannoon is a General Director of Issue and Vaults at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Qismah Salih Ali Mr Qismah Salih Ali is a General Director of Banking Monitoing at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Mazen Ahmed Mr Mazen Ahmed is a General Director of Investments at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Saleh Mahoud Salman Mr Saleh Mahoud Salman is a General Director of Administration at Central Bank of Iraq
Mr Ihsan Shamran Al-Yasiri Mr Ihsan Shamran Al-Yasiri is a General Director of Accounting at Central Bank of Iraq