People based in Kuwait

Name Biography
Mr Abdul Salam bin Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Marshadi Mr Abdul Salam bin Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Marshadi is a Deputy Chairman of Gulf Investment Corporation G.S.C.
Mr Khalifa Al Rashid Mr Khalifa Al Rashid is a Head of GCC Fixed Income Desk at Gulf Investment Corporation G.S.C.
Mr Talal Al Qassar Mr Talal Al Qassar is a Vice President of Principal Investments at Gulf Investment Corporation G.S.C.
Mr Abdulwahab Mohammed Al Mithin Mr Abdulwahab Mohammed Al Mithin is a Chief Executive Officer at Kuwait Gulf Oil Co.
Mr Bandar Mahdi Al Qahtani Mr Bandar Mahdi Al Qahtani is a Board Member at Kuwait Gulf Oil Co.
Mr Tareq Nouri Al Thuwaini Mr Tareq Nouri Al Thuwaini is a Board Member at Kuwait Gulf Oil Co.
Mr Tareq Mahmoud Ebrahim Mr Tareq Mahmoud Ebrahim is a Board Member at Kuwait Gulf Oil Co.
Mr Abdullatif Eid Al Azmi Mr Abdullatif Eid Al Azmi is a Board Member at Kuwait Gulf Oil Co.
Mr Mohammed Abdul Hadi Ali Al Zaabi Mr Mohammed Abdul Hadi Ali Al Zaabi is a Deputy Chairman at Kuwait Gulf Oil Co.
Ms Anwaar Al Zankawi Ms Anwaar Al Zankawi is a Senior Compliance and Corporate Governance Manager of Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Mr Manal Makarem Ms Manal Makarem is a Head of Risk Management at Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Ms Yosra Shalaby Ms Yosra Shalaby is a Head of FP&A at Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Mr Taher Al Khateeb Mr Taher Al Khateeb is a Director of Legal and Compliance at Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Mr Ahmad Husain Mr Ahmad Husain is a Director of Commercial Lines at Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Mr Esmat Fekry Mr Esmat Fekry is a Chief Accountant of Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Mr Haytham Zreiqi Mr Haytham Zreiqi is a Chief Financial Officer of Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Ms Wafaa Yousef Al Zaabi Ms Wafaa Yousef Al Zaabi is a Board Member of Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Mr Abdul Ilah Mohammed Rafie Al Marafi Mr Abdul Ilah Mohammed Rafie Al Marafi is a Board Member of Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Mr Khaled Abdullah Yousef Al Kandari Mr Khaled Abdullah Yousef Al Kandari is a Board Member of Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.
Mr Nawaf Abdul Mohsen Hussein Al Kout Mr Nawaf Abdul Mohsen Hussein Al Kout is a Board Member of Gulf Insurance and Reinsurance Co.