People based in Palestine

Name Biography
Mr Ahmed Shehada Mr.Ahmed Shehada is board member at Al Takaful Palestinian Insurance Co PLC
Mr Ebtissam Nimr Afif Anbtawy Ms.Ebtissam Nimr Afif Anbtawy owns 0.39% of National Aluminum and Profile company shares
Mr Ghassan Osama Abu Zahra Mr. Ghassan Osama Abu Zahra is Internal auditor at Palestine Industrial Investment Company
Mr Razak Thimr Aly Mr.Razaq thimr Aly is board member at the Middle East Producing and Marketing Fish
Mr Abdallah Abu Kishk Mr.Abdallah Abu Kishk is Chief Development Officer at Sanad Construction Resources Plc
Mr huessin Yassin Mr.huessin yassin is Executive Vice President for Commercial Affairs at Sanad Construction Resources Plc
Ms Tamara Salama Mr.Tamara Salama is Human resource Manager at Palestine Investment Bank
Mr Ashraf Hassouna Mr.Ashraf Hassouna is treasury Manager at Palestine Investment Ban
Mr Essam Abu Al Afia Mr.Essam Abu Al Afia is Compliance Manager at Palestine Investment Bank
Mr Firas Anayh Mr.Firas Anayh is Facilities Manager at Palestine Investment Bank Mr.Firas Anayh is Facilities Manager at Palestine Investment Bank
Mr Samy Al Aghbar Mr.Samy Al Aghbar is head of internal audit at Palestine Investment Bank
Mr Tarek Al Hag Mr.Tarek Al Hage is representative of Al Yezn for Financial Investments and Real Estate as Board Member at Palestine Investment Bank
Mr Samy Emel Abu Dyah Mr.Samy Emel Abu Dyah is Board Member at Ramallah Summer Resorts Co PLC
Ms Abeer Abd Al monem Al Tamimy Ms.Abeer Abd Al monem Al Tamimy is Manager of Verification Service department at Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company
Mr Abd Al Fatah Al Hroub Mr.Abd Al Fatah Al Hroub is Head of the Quality Control Department at Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company
Mr Rashed Marakah Mr.Rashed Marakah is Manager of Research and Development Department at Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company
Mr Firas Zyad Mr.Firas Zyad is representative of Arab bank as board member at Palestine Real Estate Investment Company
Ms Fida Musleh Azar Ms.Fida Musleh Azar is Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications at Arab Palestinian Investment Co.
Mr Ahmed Gouda Mr.Ahmed Gouda is Head of Investment at Arab Palestinian Investment Co.
Mr Mourad Al Khateeb Mr.Mourad Al Khateeb is Internal Financial Auditor at Arab Palestinian Investment Co.