People based in United Arab Emirates

Name Biography
Mr Diagho Mandiz Mr. Diego Mendez is the Chief Customer and Channel Officer at Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company.
Mr Jasem Al Awadi Mr. Jassim Al Awadhi holds the position of CEO of the Technology and Communications Sector at Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company.
Mr Kariem Bnkabrane Mr. Karim Benkabrane is interested in the position of CEO of Affairs at Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company
Mr Karim Bnkbran Mr. Karim Benkabrane is interested in the position of CEO of Affairs at Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company
Mr Srkan Aokandan Mr. Serkan Okandan is a Board Member of Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company.
Mr Volcan Pikanci Mr. Volkan Bekensi is the Group Head of Internal Audit at Dubai Islamic Bank.
Mr Abdel Wahid Ratour Mr. Abdul Waheed Rathore is the Group Head of Compliance at Dubai Islamic Bank.
Mr Omar Rahman Mr. Omar Rahman is the Head of Legal Affairs at Dubai Islamic Bank.
Mr Gohn Masido Mr. John Macedo is the Chief Financial Officer of Dubai Islamic Bank.
Mr Ali Ahmed Mr. Ali Ahmed is the Head of Investment Banking at Dubai Islamic Bank.
Mr Ali Ahmed Mr. Ali Ahmed is the Head of Investment Banking at Dubai Islamic Bank.
Mr Mohamed Golsolkar Mr. Mohammed Gulsokar is the Chief Technology Officer of Dubai Financial Market.
Mr Mohamed Glosolcar Mr. Mohammed Gulsokar is the Chief Technology Officer of Dubai Financial Market.
Ms Fatma Al Hamaadi Ms. Fatima Al Hammadi is the Chief Marketing Officer of Dubai Financial Market PJSC.
Mr Abdallah Salem Al Maneaa Mr. Abdullah Salem Al Manea is the Executive Vice President - Billing Services at Dubai Electricity and Water Authority PJSC.
Mr Thomas Varghez Mr. Thomas Varghese is the Chief Financial Officer of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority PJSC.
Ms Saada Ahmed Abdullah Gomaa Mrs. Saada Ahmed Abdullah Juma is the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dubai Commercial Bank PJSC.
Ms Saada Ahmed Abdelkarim Glfar Mrs.Saada Ahmed Abdul Karim Julfar is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Commercial Bank of Dubai PJSC.
Mr Khaledd Al Hammadi Mr. Khalid Al Hammadi is the General Manager of Personal Banking Services at Commercial Bank of Dubai PJSC.
Mr Prais wart house Mr. Pricewater has the position of Director of Internal Affairs at Amanat Holding Company.