People based in United Arab Emirates

Name Biography
Mr Hatim Al Atabani Mr. Hatem Al-Atabani is the Regional Director - Equities and Debt Instruments Sector at BMH Capital Financial Services.
Mr Rana Al Saadi Mrs. Rana Al-Saadi is the Director of Customer Relations Department at Al-Saqr National Insurance Company
Mr Thomas Nathen Mr. Thomas Natten is the Senior Director of the Fire and General Insurance Department at Al Saqr National Insurance Company
Mr Ahmed Badawi Mr. Ahmed Badawy is the Director of the Information Technology Department at Al-Saqr National Insurance Company
Mr Akram Al khatib Mr. Akram Al-Khatib is Vice President of the Motor Claims Department
Mr Sultan Al Suwaidi Mr. Sultan Al Suwaidi is the Director of the Legal Department at Al Saqr National Insurance Company
Mr Deepak Haridas Mr. Deepak Haridas is the Senior Manager of the Marine Insurance Department at Al Saqr National Insurance Company
Mr Samer Ghattas Yared Mr Samer Ghattas Yared is Senior Vice President - Sales & Marketing (Head Office & RAK) at Al Sagr National Insurance Co PSC
Mr Shanshal Scompay Mr. Chantal Scomby is the Chief Human Resources Officer at Aramex
Mr Mohamed Obidat Mr. Mohamed Obaidat is Vice President of Technology at Aramex
Mr Mohamed Al Haji Mr. Mohamed Al-Hajji is the CEO of the Internal Audit Department at Aramex
Ms Amanda DahDah Mrs. Amanda Dahdah is the Director of the Governance Department and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Aramex
Ms Amira Adi Ms. Amira Adi is the Compliance Manager at Amlak Finance Company
Ms Lama Takieddin Mrs. Lama Taqi Al-Din is the Director of Governance and Secretary of Amlak Finance Company
Mr Mohammed Al Maazmi Mr. Mohammed Al-Maazmi is the head of the collection and customer service department at Amlak Finance Company
Mr Zaki Ibrahim Mr. Zaki Ibrahim is the head of the Asset Finance Department at Amlak Finance Company
Mr Nilesh Dutta Mr. Nilesh Dutta is the Head of Strategy at Amlak Finance
Mr Radwan Qurishi Mr. Rizwan Qureshi is the Head of Compliance at Al Ramz Corporation for Investment and Development
Mr Amir Halawi Mr. Amer Halawi works as head of the research department at Al Ramz Corporation for Investment and Development PJSC
Mr Haisam Al Hariri Mr. Haitham Al Hariri is the Director of the Internal Audit Department at Al Ramz Corporation for Investment and Development PJSC