Naba Alsaha Medical Services Co.

Last Updated:
  • 88.80 SAR
  • -2.50
  • -2.74%
شركة نبع الصحة للخدمات الطبية
نبع الصحة
Symbol : 9546
52-Week Range : 55.90 - 118.80
Turnover Ratio : 0.12
Market : Saudi Exchange
Sector : Health Care Equipment & Svc
Industry : Health Care Services & Technology
Sub-Industry :

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Naba Alsaha Medical Services Co. (known as: NABA ALSAHA) is a public company, listed on Saudi Stock Exchange “Parallel Market” (NOMU) since September 2022. NABA ALSAHA operates within the Health care supplies...
  • Industry Group :
    Health care supplies & services
  • Sub-Industry :
  • ISIN :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On:
  • Stock Listing On :
  • No of Employees :
    501 Employees as of 2021
  • Outstanding Shares :
  • Free Float Shares :
  • Par Value :
  • Paid Capital :
  • Market Cap :
  • Authorized Capital :

Indices Membership

Action Date Index Provider
Join 2022 Parallel Market Capped Index (NomuC) Saudi Exchange Co
Naba Alsaha Medical Services Co.
Al Khuzama District, Abdullah Bin Hathlan St., PO Box 887-31911, Khobr 34718, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
T : +966 13 8555000
F : +966 13 8555000


Title Name As Of
Chairman: Abdulwahab Al Ajroush 2021
Deputy Chairman: Nazir Al Jishi 2021
Board Member: Thamer Al Wadai 2024
Nayef Al Jishi 2021
Salman Al Otaibi 2024


Date Title File
2024 NABA ALSAHA Quarterly Financials Report Q2 2024
2024 NABA ALSAHA Annual Financials Report 2023
2023 NABA ALSAHA Quarterly Financials Report Q2 2023
2023 NABA ALSAHA Annual Financials Report 2022
2022 NABA ALSAHA Quarterly Financials Report Q2 2022
2022 NABA ALSAHA Annual Financials Report 2021
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