Al Ashghal Al Moysra Co.

Last Updated:
  • 59.00 SAR
  • -0.50
  • -0.82%
شركة الأشغال الميسرة
الأشغال الميسرة
Symbol : 9608
ISIN : SA163GP4M416
52-Week Range : 48.00 - 63.00
Turnover Ratio : 0.39
Market : Saudi Exchange
Sector : Commercial & Professional Svc
Industry : Commercial & Professional Services
Sub-Industry :

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Al Ashghal Al Moysra Co. (known as: ALASHGHAL ALMOYSRA) is a public company, listed on Saudi Stock Exchange “Parallel Market” (NOMU) since July 2024. ALASHGHAL ALMOYSRA operates within the Industrials...
  • Industry Group :
    Industrials - Transportation & Services
  • Sub-Industry :
  • ISIN :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On:
  • Stock Listing On :
  • No of Employees :
    105 Employees as of 2023
  • Outstanding Shares :
  • Free Float Shares :
  • Par Value :
  • Paid Capital :
  • Market Cap :
  • Authorized Capital :

Indices Membership

Data Not Available
Al Ashghal Al Moysra Co.
Sakaka, King Abdulaziz Road, Al-Souq District, P.O. Box 2350, Al-Jouf 72311, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
T : +966 14 6258828
F : +966 14 6240006


Title Name As Of
Chairman: Subhi Aljuwair 2023
Deputy Chairman: Hamida Khalidi 2023
Managing Director: Abdulaziz Aljuwair 2023
Board Member: Hamed Al Duwaihi 2023
Mohamed Aljuwair 2023


Date Title File
2024 ALASHGHAL ALMOYSRA Quarterly Financials Report Q2 2024
2024 ALASHGHAL ALMOYSRA Annual Financials Report 2023
2023 Al Ashghal Al Moysra Quarterly Financials Report Q3 2023
2023 Al Ashghal Al Moysra Annual Financials Report 2022
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