ANC Holding LLC
Country : United Arab Emirates
Sector : Financials - Non-Banks
Industry : Financial Services
Sub-Industry :

ANC Holding LLC Profile

Last Review Date 30-May-2019

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    ANC Holding LLC (known as: ANC Holding) is a private company operating within the diversified financials sector focusing on financials. It has 12 subsidiaries operating across Oman and United Arab Emirates....
  • Industry Group :
    Financial Services
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
    1,001 Employees as of 2018
ANC Holding LLC
P.O.Box :11072, 26th street, Al Quoz Industrial Area 4, Dubai, UAE.
+971 4 4089999
+971 4 3400396


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