Abdulrahman Ali Al Saad Power Projects
Country : Bahrain
Sector : Utilities & Renewables
Industry : Renewable Energy Sources
Sub-Industry :

Abdulrahman Ali Al Saad Power Projects Profile

Last Review Date 18-Jan-2021

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Abdulrahman Ali Al Saad Power Projects (known as: SPC) is a private company operating within the independent power producers & energy traders sector focusing on utilities. SPC Established in 2006 & Based...
  • Industry Group :
    Renewable Energy Sources
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
    290 Employees as of 2020
Abdulrahman Ali Al Saad Power Projects
4th Floor, Office 406, 408 and 409, Al Dana 4 Gudaibiya Building 178, Block 309, Adliya Area, 54273, Manama, Capital, Bahrain
+973 1 7273330
+973 1 7273331


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