Durrat Resort Management Co W.L.L.
Country : Bahrain
Sector : Real Estate
Industry : Real Estate Development & REITs
Sub-Industry :

Durrat Resort Management Co W.L.L. Profile

Last Review Date 07-Jan-2020

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Durrat Resort Management Co Known as DRM is a private Co. operating within Real Estate sector focusing on Real Estate Management and Development services. DRM is established in Oct 2007 and based in Manama,...
  • Industry Group :
    Real Estate Development & REITs
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
  • Paid Capital :
    0.020 M
Durrat Resort Management Co W.L.L.
Building 2582, Road 9920, Block 999, Durrat Al Bahrain, P.O Box 29204, Manama, Bahrain
+973 7 7777070
+973 7 7750448


Date Title File
DRM Annual Financials Report 2016
Durrat Resort Management Annual Financials Report 2014
Durrat Resort Management Annual Financials Report 2013
Durrat Resort Management Annual Financials Report 2012
Durrat Resort Management Annual Financials Report 2011
Durrat Resort Management Annual Financials Report 2010
Durrat Resort Management Annual Financials Report 2009
Durrat Resort Management Annual Financials Report 2008
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