Egyptian Company for Iron and Steel Products
Country : Egypt
Sector : Materials - Non-Chemicals
Industry : Mining & Diversified Metals
Sub-Industry :

Egyptian Company for Iron and Steel Products Profile

Last Review Date 03-Sep-2024

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Egyptian Company for Iron and Steel Products Known as ES, is a Private Co. Operating within the Mining & Diversified Metals Sector. ES was Established in 1994 & Based in Giza, Egypt.
  • Industry Group :
    Mining & Diversified Metals
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
  • Paid Capital :
    50.000 M
Egyptian Company for Iron and Steel Products
Industrial Zone - Ataka - Suez
+20 6 23230293


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