SICO Technology
Country : Egypt
Sector : Technology Equipments
Industry : Hardware & Electronic Equipment
Sub-Industry :

SICO Technology Profile

Last Review Date 25-Aug-2024

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    SICO Technology is a private company operating within the technology hardware & equipment sector focusing on computer hardware. SICO Technology is based in Cairo, Egypt and was established in June 2003.
  • Industry Group :
    Hardware & Electronic Equipment
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
    150 Employees as of 2017
  • Paid Capital :
    150.000 M
SICO Technology
6 El Borsa St., Kasr El Nil, Downtown, Cairo
+20 2 23932096
+20 2 23931409


Data Not Available
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