Sultan Telecom
Country : Kuwait
Sector : Technology Equipments
Industry : Hardware & Electronic Equipment
Sub-Industry :

Sultan Telecom Profile

Last Review Date 01-Apr-2020

Basic Information

  • Activity :
    Sultan Telecom is a private company operating within the Technology Hardware and Equipment sector focusing on Communications Equipment. Sultan Telecom is based in Kuwait City, Kuwait. It was established...
  • Industry Group :
    Hardware & Electronic Equipment
  • Sub-Industry :
  • Contact Person :
  • Established On :
  • No of Employees :
  • Paid Capital :
    3.000 M
  • Authorized Capital :
Sultan Telecom
Shuwaikh Industry - PO Box: 26567, Safat 13126 Kuwait
+965 2 4318681
+965 2 4348120


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