Ahmed Mohamed Edris Ahmed Al Senosy
Full Name: Ahmed Mohamed Edris Ahmed Al Senosy
أحمد محمد إدريس أحمد السنوسي
Country: Egypt


Mr Ahmed Mohamed Edris Ahmed Al Senosy is Board Member at El Ahram Company for Printing and Packing. He owns 1.952% in El Ahram Company for Printing and...

Ownership Updates

Date % Ownership Company Sector Country
2017 El Ahram for Printing and Packing Industrials - Transportation & Services Egypt
2022 Delta for Printing and Packaging Materials - Non-Chemicals Egypt


Date Designation Entity Entity Description Country
2015 El Ahram for Printing and Packing Company In Industrials - Transportation & Services Egypt
2019 Delta for Printing and Packaging Company In Materials - Non-Chemicals Egypt
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