Jamal El Syed Ahmed Al Assy
Full Name: Jamal El Syed Ahmed Al Assy
جمال السيد أحمد العاصي
Country: Egypt


Mr Jamal El Syed Ahmed Al Assy is Chairman of Global Capital for Securities Brokerage. He also serves as Board Member at Sharm Dreams for Real Estate Development...

Ownership Updates

Date % Ownership Company Sector Country
Sharm Dreams Real Estate Development Real Estate Egypt
2007 Global Capital for Securities Brokerage Financials - Non-Banks Egypt


Date Designation Entity Entity Description Country
2019 Prime Holding Company In Financials - Non-Banks Egypt
Sharm Dreams Real Estate Development Company In Real Estate Egypt
2014 Global Capital for Securities Brokerage Company In Financials - Non-Banks Egypt
Sixth October Agricultural For Land Reclamation and Development Company In Industrials - Capital Goods Egypt
Rowad Misr Tourism Investment Company In Consumer Durables & Services Egypt
Concord Company for Tourist Development SAE Company In Consumer Durables & Services Egypt
Sharm Dreams Holding Co for Tourism and Hotels Company In Consumer Durables & Services Egypt

Insider Transactions

Estimated Value (USD)
Sell : 2
Sell :
Date Company Action Quantity VWAP Price Estimated Transaction Value (USD)
2007 Naeem Holding Sell
2007 Naeem Holding Sell
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