Mohamed Gamal Abdulqader Abdulbaseer Elgarhy
Full Name: Mohamed Gamal Abdulqader Abdulbaseer Elgarhy
محمد جمال عبد القادر عبد البصير الجارحي
Country: Egypt
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Mr. Mohamed Gamal Abdulqader is the representative of El Wehda Industrial Development at Misr National Steel as Deputy Chairman & He is also the Deputy...

Ownership Updates

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2024 Egyptian Transport and Commercial Services Co SAE Industrials - Transportation & Services Egypt
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Date Designation Entity Entity Description Country
2016 Misr National Steel SAE Company In Materials - Non-Chemicals Egypt
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Egyptian Company for Iron and Steel Products Company In Materials - Non-Chemicals Egypt
2016 Misr National Steel SAE Company In Materials - Non-Chemicals Egypt
Misr National Steel SAE Company In Materials - Non-Chemicals Egypt
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